The CRESP Investigator and Staff Directory (2000)
The following directory contains an alphabetical list of CRESP investigators, Staff, and Management Board members with a brief biography, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses that were involved with CRESP during the final year of CRESP I (2000). A list of the Peer Review Committee members and their affiliation is also provided.
Cresp Investigators and Staff
Task Group:
Social, Land Use, Demographic, Geographic, Economic-UW
Risk Assessment; Environmental Policy;
and Biochemistry.
Dr. Abbotts is Research Scientist with the Department of Environmental Health and Technical Director of the SLUDGE Task Group. He also assists the CRESP-UW Principal Investigator as UW Science Coordinator, evaluating opportunities for collaboration across task groups. In previous positions, he contributed to human health risk assessment of pesticides for the USEPA and examined energy and environmental issues relevant to human health as a staff member to Congressman Edward Markey (MA). If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Task Group:
Contaminant Equilibrium and Mass Transfer in Soil-Groundwater Systems.
Dr. Arands is Research Scientist in the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at Rutgers University. His CRESP activities include the experimental design and oversight of experiments to measure mass transfer properties of radio nucleotides, heavy metals, and solvents in DOE site soils. He is a past recipient of the K.S. Stoller Hazardous Waste Management Graduate Study Award from the New Jersey Water Environment Division and the American Chemical Society Student Excellence Award. He also is a member of the American Chemical Society.
Task Group:
Exposure Assessment-EOHSI
Air Pollution Modeling; Database Management; and Design of Web-Based Interfaces for Database Query.
Dr. Arunachalam is Research Associate in the Exposure Measurement and Assessment Division of EOHSI. His CRESP research activities include support with ORACLE 7 programming and with the development of methods for intranet-based interactive accessing of data from SRS. He is a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, the Air and Waste Management Association, and the International Society of Exposure Analyses. He is also a member of the Technical Committee of the Philadelphia/NJ UAM SIP Modeling.
Task Group:
Remediation Technology-VU
Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Mr. Austin is is a Research Assistant at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Vanderbilt University. He has researched the biodegredation of chlorinated compounds and is currently working on characterizing soil properties and contaminant transport for the Savannah River Site.
Task Group:
Remediation Technology-EOHSI
Contaminant Equilibrium and Mass Transfer in Soil-Groundwater Systems.
Mr. Berleris is Professional Licensed Geologist, EIT, PhD candidate. Graduate Research Assistant with the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at Rutgers University. His CRESP activities include experimental measurements and modeling of mass transfer of volatile organic chemicals in DOE site soils.
Task Group:
Administrative Core: Librarian-EOHSI
Ms. Bliss is is Librarian at the CRESP headquarters and is responsible for organizing the CRESP collection and web site, as well as providing resources and services to the CRESP Administrative Core and Task Groups.
Task Group:
Ecological Health-EOHSI
Wildlife Radiotelemetry; Burfearer Ecology; Geographic Information System.
Mr. Boring is is Graduate Student in the Department Ecology and Evolution at Rutgers University. His prior research experiences have been predominantly in the areas of wildlife ecology, wildlife toxicology, and radioecology. His current research ecological risk/human health issues related to wildlife. The majority of the research is being conducted on the Department of Energys Savannah River Site in conjunction with the University of Georgias Savannah River Ecology Lab.
Task Group:
Exposure Assessment-EOHSI
Bio-Transport Processes; Inhalation Dosimetry; Computational Fluid Mechanics; and Modeling Environmental and Biological Systems.
Dr. Broday is is a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the Exposure Measurement and Assessment Division of EOHSI. His CRESP activities include human exposure assessment and development of inhalation dosimetry models and outdoors to indoors particle size-distributions transformation. He is a specialist in aerosol mechanics. He is a member of the American Association of Aerosol Research.
Task Group:
Occupational Health-EOHSI
Medical Surveillance of Hazardous Waste Workers; Respiratory Testing and Protection; and Occupational Hearing Conservation..
Ms. Buckler is is a Clinical Instructor in the Department of Environmental and Community Medicine at UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School/EOHSI. Her research interests include hazardous waste worker exposures and hazards to health care workers. She is Director of the Occupational Health Nursing Program within the Master of Science in Nursing Program of the UMDNJ-School of Nursing and holds a faculty appointment as Clinical Assistant Professor at the School of Nursing. Ms. Buckler is currently serving her second term as President of the New Jersey State Association of Occupational Health Nurses. She was the recipient of the Medique Leadership Grant and the New Jersey State Association of Occupational Health Nurses Nurse of the Year Award in 1994 and 1995 respectively. She was inducted into the Omicron Pi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, a nursing honor society, in 1998.
Task Group:
Ecological Health-EOHSI, Leader
Behavioral Ecology; Behavioral Toxicology; Environmental Toxicology; Effects of Lead, Chromium and Manganese on Birds; Environmental Biomonitoring (animals); and Ecological Risk.
Dr. Burger is Distinguished Professor of Biology at Rutgers University. Her CRESP research activities include ecosystem characterization; risk estimation; the development and evaluation of biological indicator species; and evaluation of ecological services. She is currently on the National Academy of Sciences/NRS Commission on Life Sciences and on the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE). Dr. Burger serves on the editorial boards of several journals including Science for the Total Environment and the Journal of Environmental Health and Toxicology. She is also a member of the New Jersey Governor’s Council for Endangered and Non-Game Species and the Global Change Advisory Committee. Here you can read about the responsible care of management system
Task Group:
Ecological Health-EOHSI
Xenobiotic Metabolism and Effects on Aquatic Species (Invertebrates and Lower Invertebrates) and Diseases Which Affect Commercially Important Invertebrate Species.
Dr. Cooper is Associate Professor of Toxicology at Rutgers University. His CRESP research activities focus on bioavailability models. He is a member of the New Jersey Pesticide Council, the Society of Toxicology, the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, the Society of Invertebrate Pathology, and the National Shell Fisheries Society.
Task Group:
Remediation Technology-EOHSI
Inorganic Analysis of Soils and Aqueous Extracts.
Ms. Ellickson is Doctoral Candidate in the Exposure Assessment tract of the Department of Environmental Sciences at Rutgers University and UMDNJ . She is assisting in developing invitro methods for bioavailability estimation using synthetic human gastrointestinal fluids, concentrating on heavy metal bioavilability from contaminated soils and wastes. Her current focus is on the measurement of bioavailability of select radionuclear from Savannah River Sites soils.
Task Group:
Exposure Assessment and Modeling; Quantitative Risk Evaluation; and Benefit Analysis, Regulatory Analysis.
Dr. Erdal is Research Associate II at EOHSI. She has expertise in Multi-Media exposure assessment and modeling and characterization of risk at complex hazardous waste sites. She completed a two-dimensional Monte-Carlo risk analysis for consumption of mourning-doves by recreational hunters in South Carolina. This work involved collaboration with CRESPs Ecological Health Task Group. She recently was involved with CRESPs effort in evaluating the DOEs use of risk in its prioritization process. Dr. Erdal is a member of a committee charged with estimating comparative environmental risks in the state of New Jersey.
Task Group:
Worker Safety & Health-UW
Occupational Exposure Assessment; Industrial Hygiene Sampling Design; and Workplace Task Analysis.
Ms. Ertell is Research Industrial Hygienist in the School of Medicine at the University of Washington. She has twelve years of experience in industrial hygiene and occupational health consulting for workers’ compensation insurance, small business, health care, research, state government, and the Department of Energy.
Management Board: Principal Investigator-CRESP UW
Task Group:
Health Hazard Identification-UW, Leader,
Risk Assessment and Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology.
Dr. Faustman is Professor in the Department of Environmental Health and Director of the Institute for Risk Analysis and Risk Communication. She has also served as the department’s Associate Chair. She is an elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and has served on the National Toxicology Program Board of Scientific Counselors, the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Toxicology, and numerous editorial boards. Currently she chairs the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Developmental Toxicology. Her research interests include understanding mechanisms of developmental and reproductive toxicants, characterizing in vitro techniques for developmental toxicology assessment, and development of biologically based dose-response models for noncancer risk assessment. Her research expertise also includes development of decision-analytic tools for incorporating new scientific findings into risk assessment and risk management decisions.
Task Group:
Remediation Technology-UW
Microbial and Chemical Processes in Anaerobic Treatment; Corrosion and Corrosion Control in Municipal Water Systems; Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment Systems; Transformations of Recalcitrant Trace Organics; Pulp and Paper Waste Treatment Systems; Toxicant Removal; Chemical Precipitation; and Coagulation and Sorption Processes.
Dr. Ferguson is Professor of Environmental Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Washington. Dr. Ferguson has extensive research experience with biological and physical-chemical treatment processes in water and wastewater. He has received awards for publications from the Water Environment Federation and the American Water Works Association. His current research addresses topics in anaerobic biological treatment, in degradation and fate of chlorinated organic compounds related to bioremediation and treatment of hazardous wastes, and in corrosion in drinking-water systems. He is currently a member of the editorial review board for Water Environment Research Journal, the Board of Directors for the Research Division of AWWA, and the control group for the Specialist Group on Pulp and Paper Industry Wastewater Treatment and Environmental Effects of the International Association for Water Quality.
Task Group:
Worker Safety & Health-EOHSI
Psychiatric and Neuropsychological Effects of Neurotoxicants; Occupational Psychology and Workplace Stress; and Human Health Effects of Exposure.
Dr. Fiedler is Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental and Community Medicine of UMDNJ – Robert Wood Johnson Medical School where she directs the Psychological Services Division of Occupational Health. Her CRESP activities investigate the psychosocial consequences and possible interventions for stress related to high hazard situations. She is a member of the American Psychological Association and the American Public Health Association. Dr. Fiedler also serves on the Institutional Review Board of Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.
Management Board:
CRESP Deputy Executive Director-EOHSI
Program Planning; Management and Evaluation; Health Surveillance, Interpretation and Response Information Systems; Environmental, Occupational and Product Health Risk Assessment; Community Public Health.
Dr. Friedlander is Deputy Executive Director of CRESP and is a Professor in the Department of Environmental and community Medicine, UMDNJ. He is working to coordinate academic efforts at several universities to improve the quality, scope and communication of research and the scientific basis for decision-making designed to protect the health and environment of stakeholders at Department of Energy Sites.
Task Group:
Social, Land Use, Demographic, Geographic, Economic-EOHSI
Environmental Planning; Economic Impact Analysis; and Urban Redevelopment.
Mr. Frisch is a doctoral student in the Department of Urban Planning and Policy Development in the Graduate School at Rutgers University. His CRESP activities focus on regional economic modeling. He is a past member of the Technical Advisory Committee of the Citywide Recycling Advisory Board and former appointed member of the Manhattan Solid Waste Advisory Board.
Task Group:
Exposure Assessment-EOHSI
Multimedia Transport and Fate of Environmental Pollutants; Multidimensional Spatiotemporal Data Management and Analysis; Multiroute/Multipathway Modeling of Human Exposure to Toxics; and Physiologically Based Dosimetry Modeling, Risk Assessment.
Dr. Georgopoulos is Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental and Community Medicine of UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and of the Graduate Faculty of Rutgers University. His CRESP research activities include mathematical modeling of exposure and dose for DOE site risk characterization. He directs the Computational Chemodynamics Laboratory of the Exposure Assessment Division of the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute. He is a member of the Air and Waste Management Association, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, the I.E.E.E. Computer Society, the International Society of Exposure Analysis, the Society for Risk Analysis, and other organizations. He has received various awards including the Haagen-Smit Fellowship/Tyler Ecology Award, and a Society of Toxicology Best Presentation in Risk Assessment Award. He is currently Associate Editor of the Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association.
Task Group:
Worker Safety & Health-EOHSI, Co-Leader
Occupational Medicine; Environmental Toxicology; Environmental Risk Assessment; Risk and Policy; Heavy Metals and Neurobehavioral Teratology; Lead; Cadmium; Mercury; Arsenic; Chromium; and Dioxin.
Dr. Gochfeld is Clinical Professor in the Department of Environmental and Community Medicine of UMDNJ-Robert Wood Medical School. He is the lead person in developing a subcontract worker registry to track hazardous exposures. He is Chair of the Academic Section of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
and is a member of the Lead Abatement Task Force of the Department of Community Affairs, the Occupational Disease Surveillance Committee of the Department of Health and Senior Services, and the Board of Trustees of the Occupational Physicians Scholarship Fund.
Management Board: Principal Investigator
Benzene; Ozone; Risk Assessment; Air Quality; Workplace Hazards; and Leukemia.
Dr. Goldstein is Director of the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute and Professor and Chair in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine at UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. His research has primarily been in laboratory toxicology but he also has had a long interest in risk policy, on which he has written and lectured and has recently published two-first authored papers on risk communication. Dr. Goldstein is a member of the Institute of Medicine and Chair of the IOM Section on Public Health, Biostatistics, and Epidemiology. He is also Chair of the Committee on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials for the National Academy of Sciences and a member of the Board of Trustees of the International Life Sciences Institute. Dr. Goldstein is the former head of the EPA’s Office of Research and Development, as well as a past recipient of the Ambassador of Toxicology Award of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Society of Toxicology and the Robert A. Kehoe Award of Merit of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
Task Group:
Outreach and Communication, Leader-EOHSI
Environmental Health Sciences Education; Health Promotion Strategies; Risk Commun-ication; Training Hazardous Waste Workers; Public Health Policy; and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Training.
Dr. Gotsch is the Director of the Public Education and Risk Communication Division of the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute and Professor and Vice Chair in the Department of Environmental and Community Medicine at UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Her CRESP activities focus on the conceptual development of stakeholder strategies. She is President-Elect of the American Public Health Association and serves as Chair of the New Jersey Public Health Council; Chair of the Advisory Committee for the National Clearinghouse for Worker Safety and Health Training for Hazardous Materials, Waste Operations and Emergency Response; and Chair for the Comprehensive School Health Education Committee of the National Center for Health Education. Dr. Gotsch was the recipient of the 1996 Distinguished Career Award from the Public Health Education and Health Promotion Section of APHA, the 1997 Dennis J. Sullivan Award from the New Jersey Public Health Association, and the 1997 Public Communications Award from the Society of Toxicology.
Task Group:
Social, Land Use, Demographic, Geographic, and Economic-EOHSI, Leader
Policy Analysis of Issues, such as Hazardous Waste and Neighborhood Environmental and Public Health Quality; Risk Assessment; Risk Communication; and Risk Perception.
Dr. Greenberg is Distinguished Professor in the Department of Urban Studies and Community Health at Rutgers University. His CRESP research activities include econometrics, survey, and land use analyses. Dr. Greenberg is Co-Director of the New Jersey Graduate Program in Public Health and Director of the Environmental Policy Division at the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute. Currently, he serves on the NRC Committee that oversees the destruction of the U.S. chemical weapons stockpile and has been a member of the USEPA Science Advisory Board Committee examining methods of reducing risk. Dr. Greenberg has received awards for research from the Association of American Geographers, the USEPA, and the Society for Professional Journalists.
Task Group:
Data Characterization, Analysis, and Statistics-UW
Expertise: Biostatistics; Dose-Response Relationships; Radiation Dosimetry; and Kinetic Models.
Dr. Griffith is Research Scientist in the Department of Environmental Health at the University of Washington and Technical Director of the DCAS Task Group. He is a member of the National Council on Radiation Protection’s committees on Interspecies Extrapolation, Uncertainties in Metabolic Models, and Radiation Dose Response for the Lung. He received the Society of Toxicology’s Frank R. Blood Award for the paper of the year and two Inhalation Specialty Section awards for paper of the year. Dr. Griffith was trained as a biostatistician and has published in the areas of radiation and toxicology dose-response relationships, interspecies extrapolation, radiation dosimetry of internally deposited radionuclides, physiologically based pharmacokinetic models, biologically based dose-response models, composite sampling, and semiparametric function estimation. He is also involved in research on the use of the World Wide Web for scientific collaboration and public participation in environmental policy.
Task Group:
Ecological Health-EOHSI
Restoration Ecology; Plant Ecology; and Plant-Animal Interaction.
Dr. Handel is Professor of Biological Sciences in the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources at Rutgers University. He is on the Board of Directors for both the Society for Ecological Restoration and the Metro Forest Council, and on the Council of the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBIS). He is the former Chair of the Plant Ecology Section of the Ecological Society of America and former President of the Torrey Botanical Society. He is an editor of Restoration Ecology, a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Biology, an elected member of the Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management (UK), and a member of several ecology and botany scientific societies.
MARIANTHI IERAPETRITOU, Diploma In Chemical Engineering, Ph.D.
Task Group:
Remediation Technology-EOHSI
Process Systems Engineering; Process Design, Planning, and Scheduling; Uncertainty and Environmental Considerations; Nonlinear and Mixed Integer Optimization; and Mathematical Programming.
Dr. Ierapetritous research in the Process Systems Engineering Lab focuses on computer-aided tools and in particular algorithmic and optimization techniques to address challenging problems in the process and product synthesis and design and plant operations. Issues related to designing flexible manufacturing systems, taking into account uncertainty in internal parameters and external conditions, and optimizing plant operations, as well as designing environmentally benign products and processes are of great importance in this research. Dr. Ierapetritous CRESP research activities include her involvement in the development of an efficient optimization framework for determining the optimal operating policy for the Soil Vapor Extraction/Air Sparing Remediation Strategy for the SRS C-Area Burning Rubble Pit.
Task Group:
Exposure Assessment-EOHSI
Uncertainty Analysis and Mechanistic Modeling of Environmental and Biological Fate and Transport Processes.
Dr. Isukapalli’s is Research Teaching Specialist in the Exposure Measurement and Assessment Division of EOHSI. His CRESP activities include the development and testing of Stochastic Response Surface Method for uncertainty propagation. He is a member of the Air and Waste Management Association and the Institute of Chemical Engineers.
A. Jacob Jabbour, Ph.D.
Task Group:
Health Hazard Identification- UW
Pulmonary Toxicology and immunotoxicology
Dr. Jabbour is Research Scientist in the Department of Environmental Health at the University of Washington. His areas of expertise are pulmonary toxicology and immunotoxicology. His CRESP research studies include the development of a flow cytometric assay to screen for beryllium sensitization among former Hanford Nuclear Facility workers and to identify cellular and molecular biomarkers of beryllium disease. He is also working on the development of genotyping assays of susceptibility to beryllium.
Task Group:
Exposure Assessment-EOHSI
Database Management; HTML/Web-Based Interface Development; and Network Administration.
Mr. Karmichael is Information Management Specialist with CRESP. He provides technical support for data/information retrieval and management, and develops Web-Based interfaces.
Task Group:
Ecological Health-UW, Co-Leader
Environmental Studies; Aquatic Ecology; Ecological Health; Landscape Ecology; Avian Ecology; Tropical Ecology; and Environmental Policy.
Dr. Karr is Professor of Fisheries and Zoology and Adjunct Professor of Environmental Health, Public Policy, and Civil Engineering at the University of Washington. His research centers on developing indexes of biological integrity, a measure of ecological health, using invertebrates, plants, fish, and other organisms in a range of environments including streams, wetlands, estuaries, and terrestrial systems. He is a member of numerous professional societies, has served on the editorial boards of many journals.
Task Group:
Health Hazard Identification-UW
In Vitro Toxicology; Analytical Cytology and Transgenic Cell and Mouse Techniques with Emphasis on Free-radical Biology; and Immunotoxicology and Genetic Toxicology.
Dr. Kavanagh is Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Health at the University of Washington. He has extensive experience in the development and application of molecular, biochemical, and analytical cytology techniques that are of direct relevance to toxicology. His CRESP research involves developing assays of gene expression as biomarkers of toxicant exposure.
Task Group:
Ecological Health-UW
Entomology and Insect Ecology; Riparian Community Ecology; Population Genetics; and Natural Resource Management.
Dr. Kimberling is Research Scientist in the School of Fisheries at the University of Washington. She is developing the first terrestrial index of biological integrity, a measure of ecological health, using insects at the Hanford Site. She has done field and laboratory research from desert to mountain ecosystems for nearly two decades. Her work has centered on plant-insect interactions and has included studies of riparian plant communities and frog population genetics. She has been a member of the Entomological Society of America and Sigma Xi.
Task Group:
Remediation Technology-EOHSI, Leader
Remediation of Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Bioremediation; Leaching of Contaminated Soils and Wastes; Development of Leaching Test Protocols; Phase, Partitioning, Diffusion for Groundwater and Soils; Bioavailability of Soil Contaminants; Remediation Process Development; and Chemical Weapons Demilitarization.
Dr. Kosson is Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at Rutgers University. He coordinates CRESP efforts to understand sediment chemistry and the physics of contaminants through groundwater. Dr. Kosson is the United States Representative to the International Energy Agency Expert Working Group on Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Ash. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Review and Evaluation of the Army Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program, the Committee on Alternative Chemical Demilitarization Technology, and the New Jersey Hazardous Facilities Siting Commission of the Source Reduction Task Force Science Advisory Board. Dr. Kosson is a Gubernatorial Appointee to the New Jersey State Environmental Risk Assessment and Risk Management Study Commission and Director of the Physical Treatment Division of the Hazardous Substances Management Research Center.
Task Group:
Social, Land Use, Demographic, Geographic, Economic-UW, Leader
Quantitative Methods Applied to Resource and Environmental Impact Assessment; Marine Pollution Management; and Ocean Policy Studies.
Dr. Leschine is Associate Professor in the University Washington School of Marine Affairs and Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Fisheries, College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences. Dr. Leschine’s CRESP research examines proposed future land uses at DOE production sites and the distribution of benefits and risks that have resulted, or may result from, remediation decisions. Dr. Leschine currently chairs a National Research Council (NRC) committee investigating scientific approaches to nuclear tank waste characterization and remediation across the DOE complex. He is a past member of the NRC Committee on Risk Assessment and Management of Marine Systems; past member of the NRC Committee to Evaluate the Science, Engineering, and Health Basis of the Department of Energy’s Environmental Management Program; and past member of the NRC Panel on Buried Trans-Uranic Wastes at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.
Task Group:
Exposure Assessment-EOHSI, Leader
Human Exposure to Environmental Pollution; Air Pollution; Multimedia Pollution Issues; Environmental Contamination; and Photochemical Smog and its Effects on Health and Atmosphere.
Dr. Lioy is Professor in the Department of Environmental and Community Medicine at UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Deputy Director of the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute, and Director of the Exposure Measurement and Assessment Division of EOHSI. His current CRESP research activities include the coordination of the development of a computer based model to predict exposure of contaminants at the Savannah River Site. He is a member of the New Jersey Clean Air Council, and the Board of Environmental Studies and Toxicology of the National Research Council. Dr. Lioy also serves as a consultant to the USEPA Science Advisory Board.
Task Group:
Social, Land Use, Demographic, Geographic, Economic-EOHSI
Land Use Planning and Environmental Planning; and Policy.
Dr. Lowrie is a post-doctoral research fellow in the Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University. Her current CRESP activities include conducting community surveys and interviews about land use and economic impacts and directing a content analysis study. Dr. Lowrie is on the editorial board of the New Jersey Planner’s Journal and is a member of the American Planning Association.
Task Group:
Outreach and CommunicationTask Group
Technical, Regulatory, Fiscal, and Public Involvement Aspects of nuclear waste cleanup with a focus on immobilization technologies, such as vitrification and cementation for treating and disposing wastes.
Todd Martinis an Outreach Specialist at CRESP-University of Washington. He is responsible for project implementation, including assisting in the planning, coordination and implementation of outreach events; communicating stakeholder and tribal input to senior researchers; authoring articles for the quarterly newsletter; assisting in the development and publication of scholarly products and other communication materials; responding to stakeholder and tribal inquiries about CRESPs work
Task Group:
Remediation Technology-UW
Groundwater Resource Development, Protection, and Restoration; Subsurface Transport; Uncertainty, Decision, and Risk Analyses; and Role of Groundwater in Natural and Engineered Aquatic Systems
Dr. Massmann is Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Washington. He has devoted a significant portion of his career to the application of risk analysis to site remediation activities. He is a consultant for numerous groups on issues related to groundwater contamination, groundwater resource development, and gas extraction and control. He is a consultant for the USEPA Science Advisory Board, member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Geophysical Union, and former member of the National Research Council’s Environmental Restoration Priority System Panel (1992-1994), which dealt with risk-based approaches for allocating resources for clean-up activities at Department of Energy facilities.
Task Group:
Remediation Technology–EOHSI
Modeling Contaminant Transport in Subsurface Environmental Systems.
Dr. Massry is a post-doctoral Research Associate in the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at Rutgers University. His CRESP activities focuses on the evaluation and refinement of groundwater modeling practices at SRS and other DOE sites.
Task Group:
Social, Land Use, Demographic, Geographic, Economic-EOHSI
Financial and Economic Analysis; Land Use Planning and Policy; Urban Fiscal Policy; Environmental Planning; and Systems Management.
Mr. Mayer is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Urban Policy and Planning at the Bloustein School in the Graduate School of Rutgers University. His CRESP activities involve research of off-site business development near DOE sites. Mr. Mayer is President of Environmental Business Consulting, a private consulting firm involved in the privatization of municipally-owned water and wastewater systems throughout North America.
Task Group:
Exposure Assessment-EOHSI
Micro scale to Regional Scale Air Pollution Modeling; Atmospheric Dispersion and Transport; Climate Modeling and Data Analysis.
Dr. Mayes is Research Associate in the Exposure Measurement and Assessment Division of EOHSI. His CRESP research activities include mesoscale meteorological modeling and the investigation of potential human population exposure to gaseous and particulate phase contaminants. He is a member of the American Meteorological Society and the Air and Waste Management Association.
Task Group:
Remediation Technology-EOHSI
Characterization of Sorption Thermo-dynamics of Organic Contaminants in Soils.
Dr. Mirzayanov is Research Scientist in the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at Rutgers University, who specializes in characterizing the absorption thermodynamics of organic contaminants to soils. His CRESP activities involve chemical analysis of radionuclides in soil samples and biota from the Savannah River Site.
Task Group:
Worker Safety & Health-EOHSI
Occupational Cancer Chemo-Prevention; Ergonomics; and Occupational Lung Disease.
Dr. Mohr is Assistant Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in the Department of Environmental and Community Medicine of UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She is investigating occupational safety and health services available at various sites and is currently focusing on the DOE required reproductive health programs. Dr. Mohr is a member of the American College of Physicians, American Medical Association, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, American Public Health Association, American Teachers of Preventive Medicine, Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics, International Society of Environmental Epidemiology, and many other organizations. She is serving as President of the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Residency Directors Association and the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics. She continues to serve on the United Nations World Health Organization International Labour Office (CIS) Steering Committee for International Hazard Datasheets on Occupations and has been on the National Research Council’s Committee on Toxicology and Performance Aspects of Oxygenated Motor Vehicle Fuels.
Management Board: Director of Science Coordination– Institute for Evaluating Health Risks
Toxicology and Risk Assessment
Dr. Moore is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Institute for Evaluating Health Risks, a non-profit institution serving the government, industry, and public on issues that address the health risk of chemicals. He is a former Assistant Administrator and Acting Deputy of the Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances at the USEPA. Dr. Moore is credited with restoring scientific management and credibility to the pesticides program, developing a sound approach to managing the risk of asbestos in our nation’s buildings, defining USEPA’s policies in the developing area of biotechnology, and developing scientific policy for this agency’s use of risk assessment.
Task Group:
Data Characterization, Analysis, and Statistics-UW
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Collaborative Spatial Decision Making; Cognition and Representation for Human-computer Interaction; Task Analysis for Geographic Information Use; and Transportation and Environmental Applications of GIS.
Dr. Nyerges is Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Washington. Dr. Nyerges is a member of the Association of American Geographers, the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, and the Association for Computing Machinery. He is past member of the National Committee for Spatial Data Standards that produced the Federal Information Processing Standard 173 (FIPS-173).
Management Board: CRESP Executive Director- EOHSI
Environmental Ethics; Environmental Policy; CERCLA Policy and Implementation; Brownfields; Air Pollution Policy; Creation or Reorganization of Intermediary Institutions Issues; Environmental and Remediation Risk Assessment and Policy.
Dr. Power’s is a Professor of Environmental Health and Community Medicine at the University of Medicine and Dentistry-New Jersey. He is the architect of CRESP and is widely recognized for resolving environmental and public health controversies for which he was given the Rene Dubos Environmental Achievement Award. Underlying his work are efforts to focus scientific findings to better address with appropriate regulatory frameworks the risk concerns of the public. Currently, Dr. Powers is also the President of the Institute for Responsible Management, an organization whose primary focus is research to facilitate and chart Brownfields work in 357 locations nationwide. A book of which he is primary author, A Great Experiment: Brownfields Pilots Catalyze Revitalization will be published in early 2000. He has been the architect and first CEO of the Health Effects Institute, Clean Sites, Inc. The Institute for Evaluating Health Risks and Resources for Responsible Site Management, the first custodial trustee of a Superfund site. He has been a faculty member at Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Tufts and was Vice President for Public Policy and chief environmental officer at Cummins Engine Company in the late 70’s.
Task Group:
Exposure Assessment-EOHSI
Mathematical Models of Biological Systems; Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Individual and Population Data; Exposure Reconstruction; and Bioavailability.
Dr. Roy is Research Associate in the Exposure Measurement and Assessment Division of EOHSI. His CRESP research activities include human exposure assessment and dosimetry model development and implementation for volatile organics, heavy metals, and radionuclides; and refinement of methods for exposure assessment through the combined use of environmental and biological monitoring data. Dr. Roy is a Fellow of the NIH Biotechnology Program. He is a member of Tan Beta Pi, the National Engineering Honor Society and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Task Group:
Worker Safety and Health-UW
Occupational Health Nursing; Behavioral Theory; Health Promotion and Protection; and Health Education.
Dr. Salazar is the Director of the Occupational Health Nursing Program at the University of Washington School of Nursing. She is Past-President of the Washington State Association of Occupational Health Nurses and has served on various committees and boards at the regional and national level. These include the Research and Ethics Subcommittee for the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses (AAOHN), the Research Committee for the American Board of Occupational Health Nurses (ABOHN), and the planning committee for the Occupational Health and Safety Division of the American Public Health Association. She is currently a Board member of ABOHN. Dr. Salazar has numerous publications to her credit, serves on the editorial board of refereed journals, and was the managing editor for the recently published AAOHN Core Curriculum for Occupational Health Nursing. Dr. Salazar was the recipient of the Mary Louise Brown Research Award from the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses.
Task Group:
Remediation Technology-EOHSI
Pollutant Transport in Porous Media; and Leaching Tests for Inorganic Pollutants.
Dr. Sanchez is a post-doctoral Research Associate from France. She received her Ph.D. at the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) in Lyon, France.
Task Group:
Remediation Technology – EOSHI
Health Physics; and Radiological Measurements, Radiochemistry.
Mr. Schopfer is a Doctoral Student in the Remediation Science Program. He Provide health physics support for the EOHSI measurement program, manages the radiological laboratory, and advises on Radiochemical and radiometric meithods.
DARIEN SIMON, M.A. Counseling
Task Group:
Social, Land Use, Demographic, Geographic, Economic-EOHSI
Environmental Planning; Dispute Resolution; and Public Participation.
Ms. Simon is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Planning and Public Policy in the Graduate School at Rutgers University. She is working on a project to assess potential re-uses of FUSRAP. Ms. Simon is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Planning Association, and the International Partnership Network.
Task Group:
Ecological Health-EOHSI
Community Ecology of Aquatic Vertebrates; Biological Monitoring; Aquatic Ecology; and Effects of Nature and Human Landscape Disturbances on Aquatic Vertebrate.
Dr. Snodgrass’s CRESP research includes examining the effect of perturbations on SRS and fish communities as well as on amphibian communities. He is a member of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, the Ecology Society of America, and the Society for Conservation Biology.
Task Group:
Remediation Technology-UW, Leader
Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology; Bioremediation; Hazardous Waste Site Remediation; Biological Degradation of Chlorinated Organic Compounds, Petroleum Hydrocarbons, and Solvents; and Process Reactors.
Dr. Stensel is Professor in the Environmental Engineering Program in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Washington. He has developed innovative biological treatment processes for pollution control and hazardous waste remediation and holds three US patents. He is currently developing a biological treatment process for treating toxic gases from hazardous waste sites and industrial facilities. He is a Diplomat in the American Academy of Environmental Engineering, has chaired the Environmental Engineering Division in the American Society of Civil Engineers, and has served on the Executive Board of the American Association of Environmental Engineering Professors. Dr. Stensel is a recipient of the
American Society of Civil Engineers Rudolf Hering Medal and the Water Environment Federation Harrison Prescott Eddy Award for research.
Task Group:
Remediation Technolgy
Dr. Strawderman is Rutgers University Professor in Department of Statistics. Fellow of Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Fellow of the American Statistical Association; and Chairman of the section on Bayesian Statistics of the American Statistical Assn Research in Multi variate estimation, Bayesian methods, Applications in Forestry, medicine and Environmental Sciences
Task Group:
Worker Safety & Health-UW
Data Management and Data Analysis.
Mr. Stover is Research Scientist at the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Program. He has nine years of experience in epidemiological and medical surveillance research. His interests include data acquisition and questionnaire design. He is currently working on several Hanford worker studies, including respirator use and assessment of exposure risk.
Task Group:
Remediation Technolgy-VU
Chemical and Environmental Engineering.
Ms. Switzer is a Reasearch Assistant in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Vanderbilt University and a doctoral candidate in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at Rutgers University. Her CRESP activities focus on the evaluation of Soil Vapor extract for Trichloroelthy and Remediation.
Task Group:
Worker Safety & Health-UW
Molecular Epidemiology; Carcinogenisis; and Medical Surveillance.
Dr. Takaro is Attending Physician at the University of Washington Occupational and Environmental Medicine Clinic and faculty member in the School of Medicine. As Technical Director of the Worker Health and Safety Task Group, Dr. Takaro brings expertise in medical surveillance and the use of biomarkers in a clinical occupational health setting. He sits on the Hanford Advisory Board, Health and Safety/Waste Management Committee and the Hanford Occupational Health Process Advisory Council. Dr. Takaro works on several studies involving the Hanford workforce, including evaluation of beryllium sensitization, medical surveillance for former workers, and investigation of combined exposures contributing to pulmonary fibrosis. His additional interests include biological effects of low-level radiation, mutagenic effects of pesticides, and environmental asthma.
Independent Peer Review Director-EOHSI
Radiobiology; Pathology; Carcinogenesis; and Environmental Health.
Dr. Upton is a member of the Board of Directors of the Lovelace Biomedical and Environmental Research Institute, the Board of Trustees of the Rene Dubos Center for Human Environment, the President’s Council of the New York Academy of Sciences, an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors of the International Consortium for Research on the Health Effects of Radiation, and Chairman of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements Science Committee 1-6 on Evaluation of the Linearity of Dose Response. He is a member of the National Research Council Committee on Technical Basis for Yucca Mountain Standards, and the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements Scientific Committee on Policy Analysis and Decision Making. Dr. Upton is a former Director of the National Cancer Institute.
Task Group:
Exposure Assessment and Remediation Technology-EOHSI
Geostatistical and Statistical Analysis of Spatiotemporal and Spatial Environmental Processes; Modeling of Fate and Transport.
Dr. Vyasis Research Associate in the Exposure Measurement and Assessment Division of EOHSI. His CRESP activities include the identification of background levels at the Savannah River Site of certain constituents of interest. Dr. Vyas is a member of the American Geophysical Institute and International Society of Exposure Assessment..
Task Group:
Data Characterization,Analysis, and Statistics-EOHSI, Co-Leader
Epidemiology; Disease Cluster Investigation; Risk Assessment; GIS Applications in Epidemiology; and Health Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields Exposures.
Dr. Wartenberg is Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental and Community Medicine at UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. HisCRESP activities involve investigating overall patterns of mortality of workers at the Savannah River Site. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences Committee on the Possible Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields and the New Jersey Commission on Radiation Protection.
Task Group:
Outreach and Communication-EOHSI
Environmental Health Education; Risk Communication; Health Needs Assessment; Qualitative Research Methods; and Health Behavior Theory.
Dr. Waishwell is Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental and Community Medicine at UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She directs the outreach activities of CRESP at EOHSI. Her research activities encompass understanding community risk perceptions and how risk is communicated. She also attends citizen advisory board meetings in the Savannah River area. She is currently a member of the American Public Health Association, the Society for Public Health Education, and a reviewer for the National Commission for Health Education Credentialling, Inc. She is also a member of the New Jersey Environmental Education Association of South Carolina.
Task Group:
Exposure Assessment-EOHSI
Multimedia Exposure Modeling; Microenvironmental Modeling; and Coupling of Environmental Models Using Geographical Information Systems.
Dr. Walia is Research Teaching Specialist in the Exposure Measurement and Assessment Division of EOHSI. His CRESP activities include development, coding, and testing of microenvironmental and biota modules for the Exposure and Dose Modeling and Analysis System (EDMAS); Pharmokinetic Modeling; and assisting in the design and testing of the GIS-based interface for SRS EDMAS. He is a member of the Air and Waste Management Association and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Ruth Woods
Task Group:
Administrative Core, Program Manager-UW
Ms. Woods is a member of the Department of Environmental Health at the University of Washington, where she is Program Manager for CRESP-UW and the Institute for Risk Analysis and Risk Communication.
Task Group:
Exposure Assessment-UW
New Tools for Exposure Assessment; and Novel Sampling Methods.
Dr. Yost is Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Health at the University of Washington. He is also a consultant to the Electrical Power Research Institute on exposure to low frequency electromagnetic fields and is a co-investigator on the California EMF epidemiology study. He is a member of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, the American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists, and holds six U.S. Patents on devices for ion measurements. The general topic area of his research is new tools for exposure assessment. His CRESP activities involve the development of a unique system–based on Optical Remote Sensing (ORS) techniques coupled with Computed Tomography (CT)–for monitoring contaminant emission rates from area fugitive air pollution sources.
Task Group:
Health Hazard Identification-EOHSI
Mechanisms of Cellular Stress Response and Redox Homeostasis; and Disruption of Signaling Events by Environmental Agents.
Dr. Yurkow is Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at Rutgers University. He is the Director and Manager of the Flow Cytometry and Image Analysis Core Facility at the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute and the Cancer Institute of New Jersey. He is also a member of the Society of Toxicology, the International Society of Analytical Cytometry, and the Cancer Institute of New Jersey.
Task Group:
Exposure Assessment-EOHSI
Exposure Measurement; Air Pollution; Atmospheric Chemistry; Indoor Air Quality and Chemistry; Polar Organic Chemical Analysis; and Acid Aerosol.
Dr. Zhang is Assistant Professor in the Department of Community Medicine at UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. His CRESP research activities include the evaluation of exposure assessment methodologies and participation in field studies involving particle deposition from controlled burns vegetation. He is a member of the Exposure Measurement and Assessment Division, and the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute. Dr. Zhang is a member of the International Society of Exposure Analysis, the Air and Waste Management Association, the American Chemical Society, and the American Public Health Association.
The CRESP Peer Review Committee
- Arthur C. Upton, M.D., Chair
- John Ahearne, Ph.D., The Scientific Research Society
- Eula Bingham, Ph.D., Institute of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati Health Science Center
- Melvin W. Carter, Ph.D., International Radiation Protection Consultant
- William Cooper, Ph.D., Department of Environmental Toxicology, Michigan State University
- Kai Erikson, Ph.D., Department of Sociology, Yale University
- Charles Fairhurst, Ph.D., Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering, University of Minnesota
- Mimi L. Fields., M.D., Washington State Department of Health
- Joe G. N. Garcia, M.D., University of Indiana School of Medicine
- Sheila Jasanoff, Ph.D., Department of Science and Technology Studies, Cornell University
- Russell Jim, Yakama Indian Nation
- Renate D. Kimbrough, M.D., Institute for Evaluating Health Risks
- Morton Lippmann, Ph.D., New York University- Medical Center
- Harold Mooney, Ph.D., Department of Ecology, Stanford University
- Milton Russell, Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics, University of Tennessee
- Sheldon Samuels, The Ramazzini Institute for Occupational and Environmental Health Research
- Mervyn Tano, General Counsel, Council of Energy Resource Tribes
- Bailus Walker, Jr., Ph.D., M.P.H., Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, Howard University
- Lauren Zeise, Ph.D., Reproductive and Cancer Hazards Assessment Section, California EPA
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